Internship Program
Are you a photographer wanting to dive into livestock photography and learn more about it? Have a camera or don't have one and want to learn? How about wanting to learn more about editing your pictures or how to work your camera? I know...you want to learn more about the correct angles or more about live streaming. An internship is perfect for you. All our internships are free with your lodging and food covered. Don't have a camera? No problem... we have you covered! Apply today to take your skills to the next level and learn more about livestock photography.
Hey y’all , I’m Kadence Overby. I began interning with Square One Agri Marketing in 2021! I started with owning no equipment of my own and having no experience with a camera. Over the last 2 years, I not only have bought my own equipment but also have learned so much from Tyler and the other crew members. Every time I picture a show with Square One I learn something new. I love being a part of this amazing team! I would not be where I am today without Tyler and Square One. ~ Kadence
Interning for Square One Agri Marketing was truly one of the best internship experiences and sparked my passion for livestock photography. From first interning with Tyler for a live-streaming internship to having the opportunity to be a photography intern at the Georgia National Livestock Show, I truly gained so much from my time with Tyler! He is one of the most talented people I have met, with a passion for helping to grow young people. I gained a wealth of knowledge of everything covering livestock photography and editing, but also how to best represent myself and grow as a person in this industry! ~ Baylee
I have done many internships over the past year and interning with Square One Agri Marketing has by far been one of the most beneficial. The skills I learned while working with Tyler are skills that I can continue to use throughout my future endeavors. I already had knowledge in photography prior to interning, but the vast amount of skills I learned during my time with them was truly amazing. I learned many new, easier ways of accomplishing tasks I was not previously aware of. Square One Agri Marketing and its employees are awesome people to work with and learn from. They are not only mentors but friends as well. ~ Maddie
Hey everyone! My name is MaKayla Huttinger and I interned with Square One Agri-Marketing in October at the Georgia National Fair. This was a great opportunity to find out what photography careers can look like in the show cattle world. I went into the internship with little experience with photography and no experience picturing show cattle. But the Square One team all jumped in and helped me at the internship. The team was very encouraging while teaching me about cameras, lenses, angles, and teamwork. ~ MaKayla
When I first started as an intern for SquareOne, I had minimal experience being on the back side of a camera in the show ring. As an intern, I had the opportunity to learn all aspects of what Square One has to offer from live streaming and taking ring shots to working at the backdrop and editing pictures. What I enjoyed most was that each team member created a work environment that allowed me to ask questions and learn while gaining hands-on experience (and having a lot of fun along the way). My photography skills have improved and I feel more confident in the ring and at the backdrop because of this great opportunity. ~ Melanie
“When considering which internships, I’d be interested in applying to throughout my junior year at ABAC, Square one Agri-Marketing stood out for the chance to do videography. During my time alongside the team, I got a chance to produce social media videos with creative freedom yet mentors to guide me. The skills I learned were hands-on, fast paced, and still informational in the area of livestock and modern media. I achieved many personal skills from my time, such as time management and editing, which will only be useful in future employment. I adored the other interns that were alongside the event and those connections will also be a benefit for later on. This experience was worthwhile, and I cannot wait to attend another event with the team.